PurePRP® SupraPhysiologic (PurePRP® SP) is a proprietary form of autologous platelet rich plasma developed by EmCyte Corporation. It contains a complex composition of cellular components derived from your blood biologic that can be used to treat and repair a host of injuries and conditions. It is the cornerstone of the consortium of regenerative therapies used in modern medicine and rapidly becoming a standard of care. It’s chosen over surgery for many conditions, ranging from degenerative joint disease, to tendon and ligament injuries because its regenerative power is shown to play an adjunctive role in clinical outcomes. It is unique in that it is the only point of care system that selectively removes wound inhibiting factors while concentrating regenerative cellular components. This powerful capability distinguishes the PURE SupraPhysiologic brand, making it the most dominant PRP in the overall market, according to Grand View Research project. Its wheelhouse is PURE POWER, PURE SIMPLICITY, and PURE HEALING.

There is a clear reason for the success of PurePRP® SP. It has the perfect cellular composition at ideal concentrations. It is a clinical marvel that’s not duplicated anywhere. PurePRP® SP provides the most powerful concentration of deliverable regenerative cells, without the deleterious contaminants found in most PRP products. The system exceeds the clinical requirement for effective PRP, providing between 7 and 21 billion platelets in a treatment sample. Unlike most PRP systems today, it DOES NOT create a diabetic condition at the injection site, of which is known to counter effective wound healing. The system removes red blood cell content, which is known to cause pain and inflammation at the injection site and it gives the practitioner control over its neutrophil content, allowing them to selectively treat wounds that require antimicrobial debridement or controlled inflammatory responses. The combined capability of PurePRP SP is unmatched at the point of care.